Reading Resources

FANTASTIC FICTIONFantastic Fiction is a great site for learning about a book or its series.
GOODREADSGoodreads offers a streamlined book search by subject, author, title and more. Create a free account to create your own booklists and reviews, plus enter giveaways and more.
NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEWSNew York Times offers a free online listing of weekly book reviews going back all the way to 1981!
NOVELIST NoveList features Articles, BookTalks, Book Discussion Guides, Author Read-alikes, Readers' Advisory training content and a variety of other reader and staff materials for adults and children.
ONLINE LIBRARY BOOKCLUBIf you’re looking for a book club try checking out our online version!
ST. LOUIS POST DISPATCH BOOKS & LITERATURE St. Louis Post Dispatch offers articles, reviews and more on the latest books and authors.
WHICH BOOKWhich book offers a new way to find a book to read next, including the ability to choose the plot, characters and more.
WOWBRARYWowbrary offers a unique way to stay up to date with the newest items at the library! By signing up we’ll send you weekly information about the newest books, movies, and music at the Maryville Community Library. Sign Up Today!